The more updates come out for this thing, the lower I'd rate it, so I'm just reviewing it now.

The impact Minecraft has had on the gaming landscape can't be overstated, it's part of many people's childhoods. The prospect of an endless world you can do anything with if you put your mind to it was and still is a fantastic concept for a game. I don't think I need to go over what Minecraft is, you probably already know, so I'll get to the heart of what this review is REALLY about; Feature creep.

For me at least, the game peaked a bit before 1.9, or the Combat Update. Most features felt like fleshed-out and worthwhile additions to the game. They increased what you can do with what you already had while still being fresh by themselves. But eventually, features started to stack on top of the game instead of adding to it. It slowly became more and more bloated. After all, what can you add to a game that was already almost perfect?

This culminated in the Nether Update, which fundamentally misunderstood a core aspect of this game and made the Nether livable. The Nether was meant to be this inhospitable fiery wasteland, it's Minecraft's version of hell. That's why beds explode there. Yet they made it just a slightly tougher and significantly less varied version of the Overworld. And it only got worse from there.

The soul of this game slips out bit by bit with every update, it's really sad to see. 6 or so years ago, I would've given it a perfect 5. When I boot this game up, I stay on 1.13 and lower. I wish I could still give it that perfect score, the amount of hours I've put into it is staggering.

Reviewed on May 09, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

I totally agree with you on 1.9 being the last truly game changing update. The nether update was really cool, but many features in that update and future updates feel disconnected from the main game. They add new items for a new decorative block set, the add new mobs with a cool function but not many interactions, they add new features that are kinda just... there. A lot of modern Minecraft feels like bloat in a sense. Well written review, it is very relatable!