This was my first genuine SMT game after first playing a majority of Persona series, and I can say that I'm a fan. SMT Nocturne was definitely not what I was expecting, but I ended up really enjoying it. First off the "Press Turn" combat system is very addictive and fun, it feels great to chain together extra turns and absolutely destroy any demon in your path. The combat is most certainly difficult, but I really enjoyed the challenge. The overworld traversal and dungeon design can either be really cool, or really bland; it's kind of a mixed bag sometimes. The story is what surprised me the most, and not necessarily in the best way. Nocturne's story isn't a normal character driven one, it more so uses the characters as catalysts for showing off different ideologies of how some people view the world. Which is super neat, but at the same time the character's motives are kinda questionable and/or non existent. Overall I enjoyed Nocturne, even if it has some weird design decisions. But I kind of figure that adds to it's charm, and now I want to play more Megaten games so I guess it did it's job.

Reviewed on Jun 14, 2023
