(Also played via Legacy Collection)
Many people consider this a top-tier classic Mega Man game but not me. This game honestly pisses me off, because the first half of the game is super enjoyable. The Robot Master stages have great level design, themes, etc. But then you reach the Dark Robot Master stages, four stages that are an absolute condemnation. They crank up the difficulty by a lot and also drop the quality of level design by a lot, not only that but eight recreations of Mega Man 2 bosses that are just garbage. You need to figure their weaknesses with Mega Man 3 weapons but these assholes move too fast and do too much damage to the point that is nerve-racking having to try and guess what is weak against them considering they can kill you in a matter of seconds. Also the weaknesses to the Robot Masters make no sense and the weapons are lame. The Wily Stages are fine but they don't help, this game doesn't recover after those four agonizing levels and the final boss is real bad.
This game is really saved by its first half and awesome soundtrack, as well as the addition of Rush and the slide, because honestly this might be my least favorite classic Mega Man because of everything sucky about the second half (I can't say Mega Man & Bass is the worst because I haven't played it, but I heard it's pretty bad).

Edit: Okay I played Mega Man & Bass now and yeah that game blows

Reviewed on Dec 07, 2020


2 years ago

Words of wisdom: Beat the eight robot masters per usual. Restart the game. Input a password to skip straight to the Wily stages.
It doesn't become a perfect game or anything, but holy hell does MM3 become more enjoyable when you don't have to play those redundant, protracted Skull Robot stages.

2 years ago

I should definitely do this next time I play it