"Hideaki Itsuno had the goal for this installment to be his best work". Well good fucking job mate!

After marathoning the series, DMC5 was an incredible way to cap it off (for now at least). What a game this was. From story, to gameplay, it was all great.
Story was actually interesting this time around? It was predictable, more so if you binged the series like I did, but the character work was fantastic and the ideas the team had were really good. This game is just filled to the brim of fan-service for people who've played all the games beforehand, but I can see why people also say it's a good starting point. Every main character was so fun and interesting to follow, and to play!

Nero was even more fun to play this time! His new Devil Breaker arms added so much more variety to combat, though keeping track of all the arms you can use is a little bit of a hassle. Some were also kinda... there, the Helter Skelter had to be the worst arm for me. And hey, if you don't like the arms, you can always get your Buster back as an arm! Pulling Exceed attacks also felt less strict than DMC4, which made me feel like a god when playing him correctly. His song, Devil Trigger, is such a banger! I had my head bopping the whole time I was in a fight. Its remixes like Tropical Devil and Silver Bullet were also great.

V. Who knew standing around as gameplay would work? Having minions attack for you, but you having to deal the killing blow is a great idea for gameplay, but I definitely needed more time to adjust with him. Keeping track of two minions and yourself is kinda overwhelming sometimes, and making your minions do combos is such a challenge when you're trying to stay alive. Crimson Cloud was probably the weakest song of the bunch for me. Not that it's bad, but it's just my least favorite. Damn did I ever chant the chorus out loud whenever I heard it.

Oh boy, Dante. I can only describe him as a gimmick packed character. His styles all got some sort of good changes to them (infinite dash with Trickster, RG uses DT if you don't hit it correctly) and his weapons have so. many. things. to remember! Balrog? Remember to Ignite the flame! Cavaliere (side note, what kinda shit did they smoke to make a twin chainsaw weapon that turns into a motorcycle too? Cause goddamn dude)? Gear mechanic making your attacks faster! And etc. I felt overwhelmed playing him sometimes, and to quote some comment I read somewhere, "He's comfortable to play if you had three hands". I will remain one of Subhuman's strongest defenders though, his song fucks so hard, and I don't even like death metal! Listen to this segment and tell me you aren't headbanging, I will not believe you

And for the first time, I actually played as Vergil start to finish. My god is he broken fun. Keeping your Concentration gauge by playing in a Vergil-like manner is really fun, and all his weapons are so fun to use. Gotta hand it to him for keeping the same style of fighting after 3 games. Dante sells the Beowulf? Get that shit back! Dante holds the Sparda sword, which was the Force Edge? Make a spectral copy of it! And I don't need to mention how good Bury The Light is, we all know this by now.

What a great end to this marathon I did. Can't wait for the future of the series, if this game is the standard going forward.

Reviewed on Jul 25, 2023
