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I was so set on giving this game around a 4-star rating and then the ending I got hit and I was so taken aback I can't even provide a rating for this game anymore. After watching the other endings I could have gotten I can say the ending that I got wasn't much more satisfying than the others, though that is kind of the point. I am walking away from the game with more questions than answers and that is ok but to be completely honest I feel like they should have just stuck to one of the endings. I think games with multiple endings just aren't my cup of tea, I would rather have the most satisfying experience the first go-around, but asinine actions like inspecting a knife or bumping into Maria too many times shouldn't affect the conclusion of a story-driven game. I also could never recommend playing this game on original hardware. Sometimes James looked so damn ugly I could hardly recognize his face as human, and the camera is so bad, especially in tight corridors. Stoked for the remake so the more intricate details of the game can get the graphical fidelity it deserves.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2023
