My first time playing this since 2016, something that stuck out to me this time around was just how well designed the world is. I played with the player map marker off and I never got lost, just because of how distinct every section of the map is, it all flows so well and is fucking beautiful too. There's so many tiny details in the world design that I just love. I do think it's a huge missed opportunity to not capitalise on it more, this could have easily been another 'A Short Hike' style game and it would have been amazing, but what you get instead is a decent story with some fantastic character writing. I could listen to these 2 talk for hours, their relationship is so well written.

I'm happy that the Campo Santo fellas are now at Valve and working on {presumably something cool}, but I am sad we likely won't get any more of these. Because despite this really just being another run of the mill walking sim, there's something special about it that I really love.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2021
