When this game was initially re-revealed in late 2020 as a part of the Mario 35 Anniversary Direct, I effectively just took a huge sigh of relief. This was one of the last Wii U ports to make its way over to the Nintendo Switch and it was nice to finally have it, but I knew I did not want to get it when it came out. I liked 3D World but not enough to buy it again. Then the game comes out and I can't stop hearing about how its side mode, Bowser's Fury is one of the most innovative and unique Mario experiences ever. So I pick up a copy and put it in, not really expecting to be blown away but expecting to have a decent amount of fun.

With all of that introduction out of the way, I do have to say that Bowser's Fury is literally my favorite Mario experience of all time. Everything about this small little 6-hour experience is perfect to me and leaves me craving this formula more. First off, those controls that I absolutely hate in 3D World feel so nice here. Something about the way Mario runs and jumps feels so much more intuitive in a wide-open environment as opposed to a tight platform collection. Running up walls and bouncing off of enemies has never felt better.

It really has never looked better either. This game is so pretty, from the glistening water to the particle effects on the rain, the sludge effects on Bowser look magnificent. This is still effectively just 3D World's style but when you have time to stop and take a look at the world around you, you realize how pretty everything is. The cat references everywhere make for perfect secrets as well, discovering what does and does not have cat ears makes for perfect little rewarding secrets. Everything about the environment makes it feel as though the game was modeled with nothing but passion.

Speaking of those environments, just everything about exploring them is amazing. I have played Super Mario 64 and Sunshine an infinite number of times more than I have for this game but everything about this game's environment looks and plays so much better. I forget certain areas in Sunshine exist sometimes but there was never an area that felt forgettable to me here. Most 64 areas have certain puzzles or challenges that just play like garbage but none of that is present here. Whether you are climbing on a tower that you cannot see or moving around a fortress that is entirely surrounded by clear pipes, the challenges will always have you wanting more.

Unfortunately, that is the worst part about this game, that there is not enough of it. It is the shortest 3D Mario experience, even shorter than Super Mario 64. Areas are tiny and compact and it all takes place on one world the size of a single location in Odyssey. There are only 100 main collectibles and getting them all does not unlock some ultra-hard final challenge or even more collectibles. This game is very limited in its content and once you have played through it fully, you've effectively seen everything.

However, that is what makes me love this game so much is the idea that we may get more. If we get another 3D Mario game some time from now in the same formula with a new unique system then I am sure it will become my new favorite Mario but for now, this small slice of heaven will have to do.

Reviewed on May 09, 2021
