I wish I could like this game. I really do. This game tries to be everything the previous ones were, but more. Longer dungeons, more in-depth story, bigger world. While I can't necessarily say it fails at any of these aspects, it doesn't consider whether or not that's what these games needed. Sure, the dungeons are longer, but all that does is make it long enough to get sick of it, and want to leave by the end, rather than feel like an accomplishment. Sure, the story is more detailed, but all it really amounts to is putting the same car you've been using for the last 20 years on a new road. Sure, the world is bigger, but it's small enough to make every place seem recognizable, and big enough to make traversing it a slog to go through, making exploration feel like a chore, rather than a wonder. The game adopts a new art style, in an attempt to please fans who were put off by Wind Waker's unique look, but all it resulted in was the geometry, and in the case of the Gamecube/Wii versions, textures aging like milk. Even for standards from 2006, the art style is constantly clashing. I could take 3 different characters, and you wouldn't even be able to tell that they were supposed to be in the same game. I'm glad so many were able to see what I wasn't in this game, but I don't think I'll ever be able to turn around on it, as much as I wish I could.

Played on CemU emulator.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2021
