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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 7, 2021

Platforms Played


The game has extremely good graphics and it has a cool premise behind it, but if you don't have PS Plus to play online, all you can do is boring training and the repetitive, lackluster campaign. I don't have PS Plus and none of the games I play have anything I'm dying to play online, so I see no point of getting it. Sure, for 60 dollars for the year you get free games, but for the whole year there's probably only 2 games I have interest in and it's under 60 bucks to get the disc, so I see no point for my sake. The campaign in this is extremely boring. The dogfights were awesome at first, but it gets way too repetitive because there is no variety in the missions. It's shoot tie fighters, shoot big ship, shoot everything every single mission, so it just gets really boring and there isn't a reason to keep on going. The story is also not executed in the best way possible which could've made this game more entertaining to play. The cast does a poor job with absolutely zero emotion in these characters. It sounds like they are doing bad voices and reading the lines for the first time in a monotone voice while doing these cringy voices for these characters. The characters are also badly written and I care for none of them. I'd prefer to go Nathan Drake on these tie fighters and go at them alone instead of with this emotionless, boring squadron. This game is not good, but at least it's slightly better than Battlefront (reboot). I do not recommend this game. I might try to finish the campaign some day, but I'll see how long I can go without picking this up to see if I have any desire to play this before I plan on trading it in.