I mean, for what it was I had a good time. For a game that's only a dollar, you can't expect Super Mario 64 or Crash Bandicoot. For the nine levels it had it was cool. The vibe I got from it was a mix of an actually good Roblox game with N64 graphics and layout and a good soundtrack. It has a sense of charm to it that I wasn't expecting. I also thought there was good detail with ice mechanics and moving vehicles to jump on which made it appear that the developers actually tried with it instead of making a cheap game for a buck. My issue is that I wish there was more to do. You're just running and jumping while collecting stars. You can't attack enemies. You can only avoid them. You can't get powerups. You can't collect anything except stars and there is no reward for collecting them all besides a stamp on the level. I also think the last level was anticlimactic. You can't hover over it at all so it seems like a big deal, when it's one of the easier levels in the game. In the end, for what it is I had a good half hour playing it. It's a dollar game so I can't expect anything great, so with me spending my Gold Points on it and really not paying anything, it was worth the time.


Reviewed on Nov 18, 2021
