
This game really doesn't do anything differently from it's predecessor. The level designs don't really change and it looks exactly the same way. The controls show no improvement over a three year difference (which usually happens in platformers) and the bosses aren't unique. It's basically a much longer version of Dream Land 1. But you know what, it's fun. There's no shortage of charm in this game and all of the characters are fun to play as. The game is easily bingeable and it doesn't get old at all. My biggest complaint with it though is that it feels more like an expansion of Dream Land than a sequel. It's fun regardless, but since it doesn't do anything differently and feels exactly like the first, it's more like Dream Land 1.5. Hopefully Dream Land 3 shows some improvement and feels more like a sequel. This game is a lot of fun, but there is room for improvement. I'd still play it if you like the first game though and other Kirby games!

Reviewed on Feb 13, 2022
