Super Mario Land feels like a rushed attempt to get Mario on the GameBoy, but there is still quite a bit in this game to make it enjoyable. The fact that it was made after Mario 3 is disappointing as it takes away the advancements of 3 and goes back to what feels like a first draft of the original game. I understand the GameBoy is not as powerful as the NES, but that drastic of a quality drop is inexcusable. The levels themselves are okay, but the shooting levels were super fun. The last level left an impact because the airplane shoot em up ending was great. I did find some questionable deaths as well but the game rewards you with so many extra lives that it kind of evens out. My biggest issue here is the controls. They are so clunky and floaty (exact words used by other users on this site) which sometimes made the game unpleasant in some levels due to how tight the spaces were. For as many issues as there are I still enjoyed the game enough, but I don't think I'd play it again.

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2022
