As a big Hulk fan, this is quite possibly the BEST Hulk videogame yet and it stands as its' own game pretty darn well too. It's a character action game that gives you a vast arsenal of awesome moves and abilities that make you feel like an unstoppable behemoth, and you have the entire military as both a constant threat and excellent instruments for your destructiveness, with open world hubs that let you really take in the atmosphere and offers it's own fun with the freedom of playing this man mountain unconstrained.

I will say this game does get frustrating, and I mean real rage inducing, but for my playthrough I feel like that rage was what really got me to keep pushing through and smash up those annoying jets and helicopters. It honestly felt amazing to just let out my own anger by bashing the army men that kept killing my hulk over and over, just brute forcing through the barrage of missles and getting through those fights with sheer force of will was exhillerating. It sounds like a meme, but it really does add to the immersion and make you feel like a hulked out rage machine just wanting to be left alone.

Speaking of being left alone, the story may not be real meaty or fleshed out but its' barebones plotline at the very least hits all the halllmarks of what makes a Hulk story, the persecution and Bruce Banner struggling against the stressors outside and within to find peace. Toss in some good drama with Paul Jenkin's own Devil Hulk, made all the more special on retrospect from reading Immortal Hulk, and you got a story that is kinda threadbare but hits those spots for a Hulk fan that make it worthwhile.

It's not a perfect game, but the thrill and the fun of getting through it is a journey that has the satisfaction of beating rage games, along with the ludonarrative harmony of connecting with the Hulk on a deeper level through gameplay gets me sooo hyped and reminds me what games can really do for somebody. If you're a Hulk fan, and don't mind putting in the time to deal with frustrating enemies and bosses, you owe it to yourself to play this game.

Reviewed on May 20, 2023
