The thing that I hated about fortnite the most was building. Then they gave us an option to not play with building.
4 stars.

I don't play on my own very often, but I love playing with my friends. It's lighthearted and fun, and there's tons of community maps to play silly fan-made games (like survival runs, pokemon, or even just running cars off cliffs).

On top of all this, it's totally free. Yeah, there's a bunch of stuff for sale, but I bought ONE battlepass, got a bunch of currency, and now I can use that currency to buy another battlepass (which I don't do until I know I'll have enough to buy another one afterwards).
Yeah, there's plenty of microtransactions, and IDK how fortnite was in the past, but since I've started playing it, it's easily one of the best at healthily handling microtransactions.

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2023
