There was once a time where Resident Evil 5 was the only game within the series that I have ever played. After playing through RE5 with a friend I no longer even speak to, they suggested I should play Resident Evil 4. So, I decided I should pick it up. I'm pretty sure I played it almost to completion.

... Yet, I don't remember anything of what I thought about it back then.

Which is strange, because this game is an absolute roller-coaster. The escalation from a small village cult to a full blown government armada is done gradually, and with each step, the game becomes more and more demented. Crazy gimmicks appear one after the other, spiraling out on all cylinders as you blast you way from set piece to set piece. Whatever idea they wanted to implement, they stuck into this game. It could be from something as simple as giant monster, to escorting Ashley through a long corridor as she tries to spin a gear, to a giant statue coming to life and fleeing from it, to a slowed down survival horror section, to a helicopter mowing down big areas of enemies as you attempt to traverse through it all. It's a constant flow of new mechanics that just spit out at you.

The story is like a cheesy action film, complete with Leon spouting one liners like they're going out of style. Every character is this heightened reality of dumb bullshit that I just kind of love. The parasite in this game (I think) was inspired by Cordeyceps fungus, which is insane considering how much that idea for zombies would become prevelant YEARS down the line. Truly ahead of its time.

So what gives, teenage me? Why don't I remember anything about the game? It could have been because I'm not a big fan of horror, and the game wasn't scaring me like I was expecting it to. It could have just been that I was going through some things at the time. But regardless of the cause, it's made me miss out on appreciating RE4.

Reviewed on Mar 25, 2023
