Not the worst game ever made like a lot of people claimed, but it's just very barebones. The gameplay loop felt that it was made for mobile/free to play market, since it's repetitive and most levels could be completed in a few minutes.
The cast of characters is the main thing that keeps this game from being completely generic.

Despite this being the studio's first title, it seems like they have the workings to make a decent game. A roguelike heist game isn't a bad idea, but currently it's suffering from major identity crisis.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024


26 days ago

This game being the most boring shooter ever and still somehow beating and being better than Payday 3 is so funny and unexplainable man. It's like how Steam is doing absolutely nothing to combat the Epic Games Store and they just keep shooting themselves in the foot keeping Steam on top themselves lmfao.

26 days ago

@LarsJinn Just your typical gamedev shenanigans.