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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 16, 2023

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Bioshock 2 probably has many similar reviews: that it's an excellent game, but not quite up to the standard the 1st set. I'm one of the folks with the opinion that this game is on par with 1, and in some ways even surpasses it. The gameplay takes a noticeable leap, and exploring different sections of a dying Rapture is always fun. Yes, the story isn't quite as good because it lacks that gasp-inducing twist that cements Bioshock 1 and Infinite as GOAT gaming stories, but it still has plenty to offer, especially in the audiologs!

100% Completion Notes: The base game wasn't too bad to complete, with many similar achievements to Bioshock 1 (full research, upgrades, find all audio logs, no vita chambers, etc.). The DLCs I am mixed on. Minerva's Den is an incredible self-contained experience, and delivers that story twist that the base game was lacking. The harvesting challenges are a drag. I hate defending a helpless NPC. Bleh.