The industrial-medieval design of Dunwall was extremely well done, and the longer I played the game the more immersed I became in Dishonored's grim and grimy setting. The foes were challenging enough to make each direct fight a struggle, but quite fragile when taken by surprise (similar to the original Assassin's Creed). While frustrating, the Officers' skill at dodging and blocking most of my sword attacks was a brilliant design choice that contributed greatly to the opponents' overall difficulty. It took me 23.33 hours to finish the main campaign, but a more skilled gamer than I could easily finish in far less time.
I concluded the story feeling satisfied with my overall experience but left with quite a few lingering questions about the world, its characters, its politics, and the powers at work. In all honesty, I really like how this game left me wanting more, and I plan on playing through the two narrative DLC and the sequel in the near future.

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2024
