They draw you in with the "This is your fault", they hook you with the "How many Americans have you killed today?", and they reel you in with the "If Lugo were still alive, he would likely suffer from PTSD. So, really, he's the lucky one."

Shows immeasurable guts and measured sincerity in critiquing American's most respected and well-regarded foundation: The Troops. No one has ever, or will ever, have the guts to say "War Bad" again.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2024


2 months ago

Yeah, "war is bad" is not exactly a groundbreaking position in media, but The Line's direct criticisms on the genre that spawned it, and the very real war that had been going on for a decade plus (fueled by Americans who more than likely grew up playing games like Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, and the propaganda/recruitment tool of America's Army), are indeed "bold and brave," as your sarcasm goes to say, in the context of video game history. I can name dozens of games that say "war bad," but none of them do it in the way that Spec Ops: The Line does, especially when the gameplay and story purposely conflict against the type of game it's supposed to be and the time that it had come out. I guess it's easy to be dismissive of the game's impact 10 years after it came out, but I think this is either a gross simplification, or a bad reading of the game's overall message.

2 months ago

I always felt like the ludo-narrative dissonance, key to its merits, was lost the moment everyone and their mothers knew about The Line's twist before playing it.

2 months ago

This shows immeasurable guts and measured sincerity in critiquing Gamers' most respected and well-regarded foundation: Ludonarrative dissonance. No one has ever, or will ever, have the guts to say "Line Bad" again.

2 months ago

Curious how the only people made at this are MilSpec pfps and people whose favorite games are all variations of The Last Of Us. Really makes you think, about gamers.

2 months ago

This comment was deleted

2 months ago

Most people rejected Her message. They hated Squigglydot because She told them the truth.

2 months ago

don't let the haters get to you oomfie you're right

2 months ago

Hey, sorry, just genuinely curious: what category would you have you filed me under if I didn't have a goofy cartoon marine pfp? Appreciate the measured response, though. Sorry for attempting to have some kind of genuine conversation on this website, great memes!

2 months ago

@DandyBen I'd file you under "person I sincerely do not agree with in any capacity, but I don't care enough about this game to strongly defend my case to." In all honesty, the way I responded was rude, but brushing off a take you don't agree with (and is pretty clearly very jokingly dismissive of the game as a whole) as a "gross simplication" or a "bad read" of the game kinda set me up to a bit defensive. Not to imply I'm like, without fault or anything, but I just don't think it's that deep, haha.

I will say, I was pointedly rude and I didn't need to be, especially considering I've been whining a bit how the community of this site has been bothering me lately. Its hypocritical of me; wish you the best, sorry for that.

2 months ago

@Squigglydot Thank you for the kind response, and yes, I'll agree that I was maybe a bit too abrasive in my own response, and I'm sorry for that. I was just trying to provoke some more thoughts from you on the game and how you came to your view on it since it showed up on featured reviews. We can leave it at that, though, no worries! All the same to you.

2 months ago

@DandyBen Ah, the curse of the front page review strikes again... makes sense, in any case. Well, absolutely no hard feelings on my part. As far as I'm concerned, you're good in my book. Take care!

2 months ago

It is for sure a game that makes more sense considering the troupes that were "around" it. It may not age as well but at least at the time when at least in terms of major tactical combat simulator games with not a scrap of self-awareness, Spec Ops: The Line was really fresh.

2 months ago

I used "at least" 3 times in that previous comment, my brain is mashed potatoes. Still a pretty funny review, Squiggly