PLEASE NOTE: I HAVE NOT PLAYED THE ORIGINAL! I'm basing this off of my experience with this game alone, not how it functions as a remake. I may play the original and realize how upsetting this game is, sure, but for now, I'm writing this solely based on the remake alone.

This game is really hard to rate, because I truly don't fully know how to feel about this. There's a lot going for this, and a lot taken away. I'll start with the bad.

Holy shit, the game is short. We all know it is, everyone talks about it, but it's such an elephant-in-the-room problem that you can't ignore it. You can beat the game in around 5 hours and then have nowhere to go from there. There's no 2nd character, there's no extra game modes (outside of the difficulties), there's nothing. The dodge mechanic, while lore-friendly in regards to Jill's character, has frustratingly poor feedback; you get no real information from the game on whether or not you pulled it off right outside of it succeeding or failing. The villain was painfully obvious from the second he came on-screen, and I found a lot of the dialogue in regards to his motivations way, way too on the nose. A smaller complaint, but I felt like there were one too many instakill attacks, which just caused irritation rather than fear.

Now with that all out of the way...

Even though he is a peg down in terms of gameplay from his predecessor Mr. X, he brings tenfold the amount of style and scariness. He's a giant fucking mutant who whips you around with his tentacles and constantly screams the name of your platoon, how cool is that??? Outside of Nemesis, Jill and Carlos make for an excellent dual-protagonist story, each one having what the other doesn't. The gunplay is just as silky smooth as RE2, with the added bonus of Carlos having an AR, which just makes things a lot more fun; you never really get the chance to spray-and-pray outside of him. The sound design is still top-notch, the area near the beginning with the bug-mutants and fleshy walls will probably make me shudder until the day I die. Plus, all the boss fights were insanely fun, even if they didn't have the best feedback. There's such a sense of scale to all of them that makes them incredibly memorable to me.

Overall, this game is style over substance. If you want something more similar to RE2's blend of gameplay and story, then this will definitely let you down. If you want a more cinematic, "playable action movie" type game, then this is absolutely up your alley. They really tried to make this game feel like a playable movie rather an outright video game like RE2, and while I can see why people dislike that from a game sense, I still think it provided a great experience that I won't be soon forgetting.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2021
