There's so much I want to say about this game that I struggle to find the words for. If my critical mind can tell the truth, this isn't a 5/5. Its flaws are much too glaring to swipe under the rug in its worst moments, and its gameplay cycle is quite repetitive at the end of the day. However, if a game this shoddily put together has the sheer confidence to grab me by the shoulders, look me in the eye, and tell me to play through it 3 times, and I find myself obeying without a single doubt in my mind? I believe that's worthy of the score I've given. Impossibly rich with its themes and writing, and meticulously crafted in regards to its world, all in stark contrast to the deceivingly low quality of its gameplay and graphics. A miracle of a game, no questions asked. Will I find myself replaying it in favor of its requel? I'll be truthful and say no, but I'm alright with having experienced everything this has to offer me in the 70+ hours I've sank into it. I feel like I've just closed one of the greatest books I'll ever read, and that feeling alone nets this game my praise. This game will live with me forever, I feel, and I welcome it.

Reviewed on May 07, 2023
