Decently polished game with good animation and okay music, but underneath that is one of the most boring action RPGs I've played.

Movement feels very sluggish, enemies home in on you constantly with some attacks that seem impossible to dodge. Attempting to parry feels awful because of the sluggish movement; Sora takes forever to swing his sword and it makes timing unnecessarily difficult. It's not a hard game, but little things like the dated save system (checkpoints aren't overwritten by your last save so saving before a boss fight and then pressing continue if you die will take you back to before that save?? Which gets rid of any equipment changes you may have made in between??) as well as having to do a 5 minute, very boring rail shooter minigame to travel ANYWHERE on the world map (you have to do this TWO TO THREE TIMES if you want to get to a world on the other side of the map), as well as just a very bland and uninteresting story completely lost me. The whole package is just very boring, especially if you aren't into Disney at all, which makes up the majority of the crossover part of this game, while only a handful of Final Fantasy characters show up here and there.

Just feeling kind of done.

Reviewed on Dec 20, 2021
