This was my second time playing Metroid Prime, and overall I think I enjoyed it much more than the first. Although the original trilogy has not aged a day in the graphics and music department, the new remastered visuals look gorgeous and I found myself stopping to take in the atmosphere a lot more. The general gameplay is still good, but the boss fights have really been a weakness of the Prime games, and I was disappointed to find that they weren't touched up at all in this game. The bosses still feel very spongey, and are still very tedious and overstay their welcome. They should have at least buffed the extra weapons, because (aside from the super missiles) they're still a good way to throw away your missiles rather than doing any actual damage that could speed up boss fights.

Overall though, this game is still very good, and I can only hope 2 and 3 get the same treatment to make the wait for Metroid Prime 4 easier.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2023
