I originally shelved this game in the bloated middle of it, which is the weakest part of the game. Coming back to it after finishing the remaining Yakuza games, I had some new appreciation for Ichiban as a character. And luckily, the game really took off story-wise when I came back, just escalating in fun ways until the incredible conclusion.

Having played most of the Yakuza games this year (2-6), the ending here is not as convoluted as most, and the performances and drama in the epilogue are truly second to none. Ichiban’s VA deserves an award for sure, and I can’t wait to see what they do in the next game.

Other stuff, RPG mechanics were a bit too simple, Jobs were kind of unimportant, and once I figured out what I had to do to level/gear up, it was a nice smooth ride to the finish. Side stories were fun, I really liked the addition of Pound Mates as summons, and some really great moments that hit hard if you’ve played all the other games in the series. One of the best for sure.

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2023
