i will never stop dickriding this game

so far a pretty good 3D sonic game
it captures the speed of sonic pretty well
Speed Highway is the best level in the entire game, bite me.
only gameplay I don’t like is big the cat’s
I’m sorry but I just don’t like the fishing

i like the part of the game where Spyro nearly said ass
also for some reason Spyro 3 was the buggiest of the remakes

i was doing a time trial on snow go and I spinned a box but it didn’t break so I’m giving it 4 and a half star !1!1!!!!!!! :[[[[[[[

how is this games open world better than sonic frontiers

For a PS2/portable tie-in movie game, it’s not half bad.
I’d say it even rivals the next gen version of the game at points.
Buzz Adventures is awesome as fuck, do not deny that

A fucking disgrace to the Frogger franchise.


most faithful tie in movie game ever


could’ve used some power ups because aside from the whole “oh cool a cars video game” thing it’s just a boring racing game

A downgrade from the previous entry in the cars video game franchise
but still pretty good
the physics have been tweaked a lil more so that’s a plus, otherwise it feels a little rushed which is expected with these tie in games

Given their short development, I’m surprised Tantalus made an overall better game that the last two
sure the rushed aspect is seen in some places in the game like christ what happened to the collision
but the game still stands in other ways like better drifting, better hub world and the inclusion of Mater Tall Tales, yes I’m biased.

it’s a mini game collection.
but I commend the effort of still including some of the cars video game staples like car customization and collectibles

I guess some things had to be sacrificed, that being the open world but who cares the racing is fucking fun as hell and the character selection is PACKED

okay but at least it still has Mater the Greater