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This is my quintessential "childhood videogame". It's the game I spent a lot of time on, figuring out how to progress, not to mention figuring out which commands to use to start the damn game in DOS. I have vivid memories of me playing this game with my two brothers when my parents weren't using the computer for work. It was also very different and ambitious in comparison to other PC games at the time, an isometric adventure game with a story, it had voice acting, FMV's and it was fairly lengthy.

By today's standards, let's be honest, it's not good. The controls are beyond terrible, figuring out how to progress without a guide is a nightmare. The game kinda expects you to understand its esoteric mechanics without ever explaining anything. There is some abysmal platforming, especially in the desert temple that's just simply god-awful, even back in the day it was the least enjoyable part. Also, the save system just doesn't work, you have to pray to your own God if you want progress to get saved properly.

But I'm giving it four stars out of five because it's "my game". I know this game like the back of my hand because I've played this since 1996 probably. My brothers and I worked tirelessly to figure this game, we eventually beat it and I finished the game multiple times afterwards. Even after this many years I can finish this game on muscle memory alone.

Let's not forget that there are still a lot of charming aspects to this game. There is a lot of creativity in the different species of characters, there are a lot of varied areas. Your map is literally a globe so you can see yourself traverse the entire planet. The story is kinda bleak, you have to save the world from a tyrannical dictator named Dr. FunFrock, it feels like you're in a war torn world (because there is barbed wire everywhere).

In conclusion, I think it's appropriate to think of this game like your first car. After 30 years, you know how to handle the thing but you wouldn't let anyone else drive her because you know it isn't safe