Log Status






Time Played

4h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 14, 2024

Platforms Played


Played it only because it's included with AC3 Remastered, I feel like I was fucking robbed of 4 hours of my life. It's buggy, boring, filler with 2 cool ideas. The 1st cool idea are the spirit animal powers, one of which grants you Predator-like invisibility at the cost of taking damage per second while another one makes you turn into an eagle and dash to vantage points making traversal so fucking smooth that I will ACTUALLY miss this ability for the rest of the franchise. The second cool idea is in the title, it's alternate history with Washington as a tyrant. But the DLC overall is LAZY AS ALL FUCK! There was 15 minutes in my whole 4-hour journey where I felt any effort was put into this, the two last missions that feature a VERY unique location and a unique boss fight. Every single second other than that felt like I was doing some lazy-ass side missions in AC3 with cool powers. Thank the gods this was so short, but if I bought this at launch for GOD DAMN $30 then I would mail something nefarious to EA headquarters. Again, I played this for "free" as it is included in the Remaster, and I still felt ripped off, just do yourself a favor and skip this pile.