I like it, I recommend it, and it's a fair 7/10 game. But I'm super confused about why you would ever pick this up, MH World is better in every single regard that matters. The environments are fucking ugly, there are fewer monsters, fewer armor sets, fewer layered armors, fewer collabs, and the frankly idiotic mechanic of making you hunt down bugs that permanently give you stamina and HP for 10 minutes before you can actually engage in combat with some of the harder monsters. The only offsets are the mount which speeds up travel across the map, the climbing system which is the standout good feature by far, and the new wirebug attacks. The mount hardly matters for the most part, and while the new wirebug attacks are nice... they don't add THAT much. The parkour is fantasitc, hope it stays forever. The "Rampage" quests are boring, uninspired and trash compared to just normal hunting. The rest is just kinda like World, so very good. If you never played Monster Hunter maybe buy this, if you completed everything in Rise then move to World for more content. It's a good game, I'm just surprised by how much of a downgrade it is from its direct predecessor. Also, this has one of the worst final bosses in any game I have ever seen lmao.

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2023
