12 years after the last mainline entry in the franchise, Doom 3, which unsuccessfully tried to take the series in a survival horror direction, Doom 2016 returns the series to its previous FPS roots. This alongside the return of Wolfenstein in 2014 rekindled my love for single player shooters.

Doom 2016 features a familiar story of the UAC mars base being invaded by the demonic forces of Hell. Many of the enemies and weapons from the previous titles make a return here and justifiably so since Doom has always hosted an excellent array of demons and weapons to kill those demons with.

Where Wolfenstein spends more time developing its story and characters, there are generally few long cutscenes or bits of dialogue as the number one focus in Doom is the fast paced action combat. The combat is bloody, chaotic, and addicting. Few games make you feel as powerful as Doom does and this power fantasy is kept across difficulties assuming you have the skill to keep up.

Levels are of good length and have a number of collectibles as well as combat challenges called Rune Trials that reward the player with ability upgrades. My only real (minor) gripe is that the levels feel somewhat samey when on Mars. This especially noticeable with one of the levels just being a remix of a couple prior levels. This is improved in the sequel in my opinion.

Can't talk about Doom without talking about the masterpiece of a soundtrack that Mick Gordon composed for it. The tracks that play during combat further play into creating that power fantasy and is why despite featuring horror elements, Doom 2016 is not a horror game. you should not fear the demons, the demons should fear you.

There is an arena style multiplayer mode also present reminiscent of the quake and unreal tournament days. I know a lot of people didn't care for it but I must confess it was a guilty pleasure of mine when it was more populated. It's faster paced than a lot of the multiplayer fps options these days and reminds me of playing UT2004 in my youth. That being said, the real meat of the game is the single player for sure.

Doom 2016 is one of the best fps experiences of the last 10 years and I can' recommend it enough. Check it out!

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2023


1 year ago

Just came across your profile and I love every review you have. I'm very interested to see what else you write, great job! :-]

1 year ago

Thank you! It's nice to be apart of a community such as this. Hope to see you post a review some day!