This game is both visually and technically impressive by SNES standards, for sure. Most of the other aspects of the game aren't bad either; with a great selection of special weapons, a decent soundtrack and fairly enjoyable level designs, this is a solid Mega Man game overall.

It's a pretty fun run 'n gun made by the developers of Wild Arms. I don't really have any complaints other than the weapons are bit too unbalanced. The homing laser trumps the other weapons in most situations, especially when powered up. Overall though, it's definitely worth trying out.

This happened to my buddy Brandon.

This game has some neat ideas and I do like the setting a lot, even if it does lean more heavily towards fantasy and sci-fi than western. Overall though, it's just another run-of-the-mill JRPG and it couldn't keep my interest until the end unfortunately.

While I did like this game overall, I can't help but be disappointed by its uninteresting level design and lack of polish.

This game is insanely boring. Most if not all demons can be defeated simply by using auto battle and dungeon exploration is extremely tedious. I wouldn't bother unless you're morbidly curious like I was.

Edit: I didn't get very far when playing through this game and finishing Megami Tensei II has made me consider going back to this one and giving it a proper chance. I'm not sure as to when that will be though.

Easily the scariest game I've played on Halloween.

Despite having some pacing issues and Sora's route being awful, this is a good visual novel with a great cast, an interesting story, and a fantastic soundtrack.

This is a pretty decent action platformer. I like how it incorporates RPG-like exploration and progression, even if it's pretty rudimentary. Overall, I recommend it.

This is a nice improvement over its predecessor, thanks to its better visuals and music, removal of random encounters, and other small quality-of-life features such as removing the command window, negating the need to have to select "Talk" from a menu to talk to NPCs or "Search" to get items. The overall gameplay remains fundamentally the same so if you enjoyed the first game then you'll like this one as well.