its fun at the beginning but it starts to feel too empty when all I can do is spend all my energy for crumbs on materials to upgrade memories, I don't think I will keep playing this game for long, and maybe after a year ill pick it up again and see how its going

the never ending cycle of revenge, how far would you go for it and how much will it cost you? can you see past your perspective?

silent hill aside, i think it was pretty alright for a free game, picked up on topics that i actually think a lot and i believe it should be talked more about, tho i think they could explore it a bit more better and in different ways.
i thought it was a bit silly and stupid on the intro that she said "The strongest animals dont form groups" but then i remembered in my early teen years, when i started to deal with mental health, i literally said the same thing and i looked thru the game with a different perspective

this game is legit so ass i hated playing it and I wanted to give it a try since i never played love live but i couldn't bare to keep trying plus having 3 months to play this is insane so its not worth it
i dont rlly like idol music and all but thats just my personal opinion and taste so obviously i didnt enjoy much

im a project sekai player and wanted to try other rythm games like it and i hated this one i couldnt play for more than 5 minutes its a bit messy to hit the notes and im honestly not a big fan of idol rythm games anyway but the cards look pretty tho, i wanted to like it but unfortunatly not for me!

played this one time on my local gaming convention and i LOVED it i wished i could play it more times but there was a big slow line on it bcuz everyone wanted to play and only one machine, it was legit so fun and all the music options were BANGER (based bcuz i listen to majority of it) i wish that i could play more but i dont think we have this type of arcade in my country anywhere, as far as i know, and for sure i would spend my whole money on this game. the twink is pretty too

i had so much fun playing this when I discovered it but i didnt play much i will definitely play it again someday

I didn't love this game I thought it was pretty ok but still interesting at the same time, the art is really amazing i really love the artstyle of the creator! i know its not finished but still feels a bit empty, the game has some bugs and weird badly placed sprites that need to be fixed.
Now about the characters....I just know the creator plays project sekai sdfgs the 3 characters that are friends are clearly too much inspired by mafuyu, kanade and i think tsukasa(?), but they just simply are not likable or have much personality they are pretty annoying to me.
also something that throws me off a bit is that the creator just simply cant take criticism well, and idk how old they are but getting a bit petty over bad reviews and making videos about it makes me a bit iffy so...
im probably not gonna care enough to see the rest but hope everything goes well and the game improves bcuz it needs some improvement!

I cant stress this enough but this game is a masterpiece,
if i could i would put it in a museum lol. everything is so beautiful, the art, the story, the music, I had so much fun playing every hour of it its soo worth it the story and characters are so amazing and well written i would (and i definitely will) replay this so many times. It has good amounts of cute, fun and scary and they complement each other, even when i got stuck in some parts it didnt feel like a shore it was still enjoyable!
and what makes me even more happy is that the game was made by people from my country and that's something i rarely see!! AstralShift never disappoints :) looking forward for more projects <3

(Im gonna review this in the long run so I can keep track of things)

Review on the release date before updates:
Right now the game feels like an empty shell.
This game is really fun, but definitely not a perfect game, I played for like 3 days (a bit less probably) or so and got to "finish" it (got the credit scenes after reaching a certain amount of followers) theres really not much to do, you just dress up, recolor clothes and take cute photos, it gets a bit tiring doing this theres really not much variety and its not as fun as i was imagining, the only fun thing is make outfits and take photos thats literally why i play, eventually im gonna get tired of it, it feels like theres a lot of clothing pieces but if you look at it theres not that much at the same time? also im having a problem of having too many clothes and recolors my wardrobe just takes too much to load and i have like 5 different dresses with the same color in different shades and i cant delete them and thats gonna become a problem too. I hope with updates they change some things and add more stuff to do, the full price is definitely not worth for so little things you can do here and i wish this game had a bit more personality its probably gonna be easily forgotten, I didnt want to compare this to the old style savvy games but its a bit sad to see old games having more stuff to do than the new and "upgraded" games.
I wish game companies would stop releasing unfinished games with full price with the excuse that they will add content in the long run cuz that just feels like a scam and this game is just one of those

i hope the person who made this game stops making games forever!!!! ^.^ wtfff!!!!!


ok I've been playing for some months now and even tho I enjoyed it I got rlly tired of how little diamonds I get for playing, I'm not sure if I was doing something wrong but its a bit too pay to win kinda situation, I cant get enough to get new outfits to upgrade my stats and I don't get enough ingame currency to get the free ones and its hard for a player who doesn't spend money on it to achieve the goals I need to pass and what not, maybe I could pick it up sometime when I get a bit more financially stable but its not really a priority neither a necessity for me to play this game, but I had good time customizing my doll :)

shining nikki meets sims meets danganronpa lol
but ive been playing the close betas and its been really fun i find the gameplay rlly interesting too cant wait for the global release :)