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I guess this is the first Mario RPG I ever actually played, and despite not being my favorite, I still have fond memories of this one.

I love the concept for this one, Mario and Luigi meeting their past selves, and the scary alien invaders that threaten to kill everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom. This game does actually get pretty dark for Mario standards at times and I love that.

The reason I could actually stand this game and other Mario RPGs over other RPGs, is not just because it is Mario and I'd play anything with Mario on the title. No, it's the fact that the battles require you to be much more involved in the action and actually ask YOU to be the one that blocks or dodges the attacks, as well as perform your own attacks.

You have no idea how much I despise playing an RPG, being in a fight for 20 minutes, and then losing after all that struggle just because the game randomly decided to show me a text box that says that my last attack did not connect for whatever fucking reason! But the opponent's did and it was also a crit, so of course I fucking died.

In these games, if you want your attacks to connect you have to get good at timing, you can't just sit and watch, which to me is far more interesting. They also make each special attack a sort of minigame that you have to get right if you want to make the most amount of damage, which is a very Mario way to put a spin on a pre-existing formula and I love it.

Overall, a solid game and one of the better Mario & Luigi games out there. 10/10, princess Shroob is super fucking hard to beat got dayum!