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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 7, 2024

First played

April 17, 2024

Platforms Played


I only decided to give this game a shot because of Smash and because everyone and their grandma would not shut up about how good this game is. I'll say it again, I'm not a massive fan of RPGs (Even tho I have played a ton of them) or weeb shit, so I was expecting to like this one just fine and maybe drop it halfway through just for how long it is.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
I beat this game twice.

I liked this game so much that I ended up replaying it almost immediately after beating it for the first time...I- I just don't know what to say...

I had previously attempted to play a Persona game, with Persona 4, but I barely played that and to be fair, I barely knew any english back then, so I wasn't really paying attention to the plot or the dialogue...Which are very important in these games. However, once I started playing this one, it easily managed to grab my attention in no time; it started as simple curiosity to see how the story would unfold, but the more and more I played, the more this game grabbed me by the balls and would not let me get my eyes off the screen.

Plain and simply, I absolutely fell in love with these characters, just enough for me to look past the typical RPG tropes and tedious grinding that annoy me so much. But the fact of the matter is that this game doesn't even suffer from that all that much, since the life sim aspect really helps to balance the dungeon crawling parts of the game, as well as the combat being designed in a way that you can skip entire fights just by exploiting enemy weaknesses.

I mean, you can actually skip fights altogether after you hang out with Ryuji enough times; even when you can't, the way this game presents everything makes every fight at least visually astonishing to see. This game oozes with personality and an unique visual style that I have never seen in an RPG.

Oh and yeah, hanging out with your friends, going to school and just mess around actually has an impact on the RPG side of the game, which I love so much. Suddenly leveling up and getting stronger doesn't entirely revolve around fighting the same enemy hundreds of times until the game tells me I have leveled up...Nah, me and my team can get better just by seeing what Yusuke is up to today!

My only real complaint with this game, that I can think of right now, is the fact that your teammates can die as many times as they want during fights, but if Joker dies once it is an instant game over. This caused me to lose so many fights, some of them near the end, simply because Joker was taken down and my teammates apparently could not revive him the same way I revive them or they revive each other.

It is also so stupid and so annoying to spend like 30 minutes trying to beat a boss, only to lose and having to repeat the whole thing again, because Joker suddenly felt like not dodging the attack and died. You can control every party member here, but wether or not they dodge or land a hit is still random, which I do not like.

Other than that, I love the different palaces and how unique they are, I love the music, I love the artstyle, the villains are not subtle but they are so much fun, Akechi never fails to crack me up...There is just so many things I love and I want to say about this game...But I think I've said enough.

5 Personas outta 5. Will probably replay again some day.

Ryuji is best bro and Kawamommy is my whole life ❤️❤️❤️