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Time Played

27h 19m

Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

October 14, 2023

First played

October 2, 2023

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Catherine gotta be one of the best romantic comedies....tragedies?...one of the best romantic chaos of all time. As a game, it's very unique in both story and gameplay, seriously I haven't seen a gameplay formula so original. It also does a great job with the questions, uncertainties and fears of love, relationships, marriage and life in general. Full Body adds even more to that with another angle. Original game was about this one guy stuck between two girls wondering what the hell he was gonna do. It also has some very interesting ideas and suggestions about romance, humanity and such.

Here...okay first of all, Rin is great, excellent character, kind person, cute as a button, whatever. But he's too perfect with really no downsides. That's a complaint I have about these characters in enhanced versions of Atlus games, they often feel like they're intruding on a story they have no place in. Yes I like my Marie, my Rin, my Violet...my whatever but ehhh...atleast Persona 3 seperated it's campaigns and Maruki didn't have actually have this problem for me now that I think about it, goddamn. Rin being an alien, and angels being explained as aliens people just worshipped was really interesting, I hear this was done so Vincent and the player had an even more outrageous thing about Rin to accept....oh you silly gooses, with the kinda games most Catherine players play, this choice is a cakewalk! Hell, I'd say more people would struggle with the PENIS! (eek!) aspect. I'm a little confused on thing about Rin's gender reveal party, how come Erica didn't correct anyone on his pronouns? or does Rin just go by she/her?...but then...I confused myself, I'm overthinking a video game character's pronouns, I've come to this point people lol. I like to think it's just glossed over to keep the reveal hidden (not 100% sure how pronouns work in Japanese), moving on.

I also wanna praise how well they did Vincent coming to terms with Rin's secret and the fact that he's still into him, it's not a sudden magical flip of a switch like "Oh my god, you're a guy?! that's so cool!", his friends don't suddenly just go "oh you're gay now, oh ok", like people actually sit down, talk things and go through the struggles, the confusion, the clash with previous attitudes...Vincent going "Don't touch me!" to instantly regret it, that whole conversation they have in Stray Sheep, him coming to terms with it and his friends being huh really? then supporting him and Vincent fighting for his love the same way he would've on the other routes...and them just being a happy couple after all that, dare I say, this is one of the best executions of "le gay" in a media I've seen, especially these days? Most media nowadays, especially western, has this attitude that it's a big deal and "I must paste this into my story to make myself look good!" attitude, old media didn't have this attitude, of course this had the good, the bad, the whatever but you might notice most old good portrayals of it didn't really have to try so hard, it really says something when Xandir from Drawn Together is lightyears ahead of anything Disney "tried" in the last couple of years.

On a different topic, about those attitudes I mentioned, this game was originally made in 2011..I think it's still set in that time in this version? Which makes it's plot even more bold to take place arguably. Also are they in Japan or America?Everyone has English names and seem like they're meant to be American...yet this place truly feels Japanese...I dunno, maybe this 'Murica just has that one Japanese style restaurant Vincent and Orlando likes to go to..

But man if it's set in 2011, then you already know how most people would feel about those certain topics this game goes into...cuz let's be real, most of us lived in that world, most of us thought and felt those things, yes things changed, yes we grew and moved on but that doesn't mean people just automatically flip a switch all of a sudden and go "oh yes I was used to this mindset my whole life!", now it's not always as complicated as it was in this game nor is it that way for every person...but growing up in that world you can have certain thoughts and ideas put into or wired to your brain, that doesn't mean you agree with em when you know better but it can take time to shake that off. Also not everyone can be just expected to be an expert on things like this on a whim...besides we don't all live in America where it's treated that way. As a non-American, I can say this is accurate to how this conversation would go irl....also this route gave me a definitive answer on how I feel about femboys....ehhh I prefer a chick, I'm happy for them don't get me wrong but I felt myself more interested in the alien chick Johnny hooked up with lol. Ultimately, I rather either go for the smart chick or the bad bitch.

Also I didn't think much of her besides her feeling like a really fun and pleasant person to be around on my PC playthrough in 2019 but now...GODDAMN ERICA IS A BADDIE...wish she had a route but oh well

I actually went for Catherine True after this, no hold back bad bitch route! Don't regret it, it's more my style here lol. I also used the Nero Glasses this time, heheheh. God bless whoever came up with these! Truly the thrill seeking perverted route! But to me realistically Catherine would be more of a one time thrill than a life long journey.

I guess if I were to describe what each of them represent to me, in the order of the routes I went for, it'd go like this:
Katherine - Lifelong journey partner (Not helped by the fact that I just go for smart chicks in these games, looking at you, Makoto)
Rin - Love for something pure and trying something new, tho realizing it's eventually not for me
Catherine - Friends with benefits or simply a one time thrill

Persona 5 stuff is cute, Trisha got thirsty for Joker tho lmao

Also 10/10 points for making the logo a woman's thong covered ass