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This was a pretty fun game, it's kind of special too as it was the first game I ever emulated, back in 2012.

THERE will be spoilers in this review but I somehow doubt anyone cares...hell it might make someone more interested to play this

First of all the gimmick and the idea is pretty fun, apparently it's a clone of a Japan only PCE game, that's news to me.

If you like the idea of just photographing everything in sight, you'll probably find this pretty fun, you photograph both characters and thing that do and don't belong in the respective worlds you visit.I found it interesting that they reference specific episodes and moments from some of these shows, developers were probably given an episode or two of each show as reference.

Sprites are beautiful obviously, apart from one VERY off-model Harold in All Grown Up! world, everyone is so damn on-model, it's great.

Something about Invader Zim specifically, remember that crazy paranormal guy obsessed with Count Chacula in "Career Day" episode? Not only does he appear in this game but he's mislabeled as "Prof. Membrane" in the game, with actual Membrane being nowhere in sight. Boy, I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder!

Seeing so much Zim in this game is awesome to me, not only plenty of characters from his show appear but he actually is the big bad villain of the whole game! Considering he's mostly a disguised or reluctant hero...or playing baseball in the other games, it's nice to see him get to be his real self once....the box art makes him seem really more threatening than he is lol, I like the epic vibe. I'm disapointed that we didn't get to explore Zim's Town though, even if it was mentioned. His ship was pretty cool, even if that level with both Zim and Jimmy was nothing but walking and photographing down harmful nuts and bolts, with Jimmy easily being able to go down in 3 hits and health drops dropping rarely...

To have Jimmy catch up to Zim's ship in his rocket, former teaming up with latter to help fix his ship so it doesn't destroy them and crash, and that whole fully-sprited handshake at the end was awesome and made it mostly worth it.

Two huge design flaws, I hated how Jimmy has to spell out your individual level scores one by one after you beat a world...why not just make all that one screen? Just like that overall world score counter at the end?

But forget that for a second and tell me, who's bright idea was it to not let you leave a world once you start it? Each world has about 4-5 areas, ending with a boss area but if you quit during ANY of them, you have to start over from the beginning of that world...convenience be damned I guess! And this game was designed for likely short bursts since it was on the go...I can definitely see this throwing a wrench in some kid's plans, especially if you didn't plan ahead for the battery life.

There are 5 main worlds in this game, Fairly OddParents, SpongeBob, Rocket Power, Danny Phantom, All Grown Up
with the 6th world, Invader Zim's ship being a GOTTA BLAST autoscroller, Zim boss, useless walking simulator and Irken ship fixing game. Each end with a boss battle against a robotic clone of an existing character (they're more like the robots in Battle for Bikini Bottom than Toybots, although they can all talk). It seems they have special dialogue with each character you face them with...too bad you can't just level select specific parts of the world, otherwise someone could record all these cuz the dialogue in this game is pretty on spot and well written. Character choices for robots are strange...you got uhh Eddie from As Told by Ginger....90% of you don't know who the fuck that is...I think he's literally the only character from that show in this game? Jack Fenton, Squidward, Helga...Vicky Bot copied straight up from FOP, who is controlled by Robot Crocker...which is pretty unique as Jimmy tells you to not damage Vicky Bot's core and go for Crocker, you probably can't beat the boss if you focus on Vicky alone but I wonder if you can actually damage her core and somehow get a game over?
But yeah...not great choices, Zim could easily make a robot of say...Crimson Chin to give the heroes a hard time but it's just like Zim to pick weird and lame choices like these I guess. You can unlock Zim as playable if you 100% the photo album...I got 99& just because I missed a Danny Phantom extra known as "School Kid 6" and I have no idea where she is and I looked over again, couldn't find and I just don't care!
...buuut there is one level playthrough with him on YouTube, according to one comment, if you face the bosses as him, he says he'll take em down for betraying him. Now this might be false, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's true and it sounds pretty damn cool they thought of that if so!

First thing I'm confused about are the world names...everything except Rocket Power world is named after the show..yknow, "Fairly OddParents World", "SpongeBob World" etc. etc.

But Rocket Power World is for some reason named as "Ocean Shores", that place gets to have it's actual city name but we don't get Dimmsdale, Bikini Bottom, Amity Park etc...Why? I have no damn idea. It's not like the developers didn't knew about city names, Jimmy Neutron mentions Retroville at the start...hell, Zim's Town was mentioned like I said...which is a place isn't even named in his show but it's a nickname that this game, Globs of Doom and I called it a lot!

Also if a character who's normally playable is about to appear in the world you're about to go into, you cannot play as them (can't play as SpongeBob in his world, Danny in his world etc), that's a really cool detail they thought of!

Needless to say Rocket Power and All Grown Up worlds were a bore for me...I really really don't like Klasky Csupo shows, their unappealing ass artstyle aside they just bore me.

I always hated Rocket Power since I was a kid. I was not a sports kid, so it held no appeal to me...I'm still not a sports person but I liked Tony Hawk games due to modding...so I ultimately think it's Klasky Csupo boredom moment that ultimately brings it down for me to this day...alas it was the TV age...sometimes there was nothing better to watch so I was stuck with this bore of a show...All Grown Up actually felt watchable though even if I'm not a crazy fan of it..so I had more fun in its world.
I would easily pick AGU over RP any day lol.

Also Rocket Power world seems to treat characters from All Grown Up and Wild Thornberrys as native citizens? Not sure why? Is it cuz of Klasky Csupo?

But in All Grown Up World, Rocket Power and Wild Thornberrys characters aren't treated as native to that world, so I dunno what's that about...wouldn't surprise me if developers couldn't tell them apart and gave up at that point lol.
I mean if you wanna go that route, technically Wild Thornberrys characters should be native to the All Grown Up world since Rugrats Go Wild! exists but yeah.

I also never liked Rugrats, never understood the appeal of watching babies do baby things. And don't you bring me a parent argument, a parent would have more fun playing with their actual baby then watching this.

They definitely ran out of RAM and palette at some point as some characters are slightly inaccurately colored and sometimes they really repeat characters in the same world...Trixie Tang must've crossed the same part of Amity Park like 3 times

I also had no damn clue what Flashgague does, it's like a big flashy pose (pun unintended) and your character uses the flash, then you can recharge it in these very over the top Street Fighter ass poses and I love that. You know SpongeBob sprites from this game was used to make a MUGEN spriteswap called Orochi SpongeBob? When playing MUGEN, I always assumed the camera was a piece of paper like that one episode as a kid. Anyway, back to Flashgauge, sometimes these nuts and bolts come towards in regular gameplay, different than boss and final area ones and they can hurt you, so you gotta photograph them in time too...what Flashgauge does is pause them in their tracks to let you photo them easily...pretty damn useless when you can easily photo them before they come close every time anyway.
They should've made it so that it also photographs all the objects and characters on the entire screen, would make it more memorable and worthwhile, especially since it's a meter that fills up.

Also, what was up with the bullshit of letting nuts and bolts roll over when the table in Danny's house was covering them anyway?

This game uses the amen break so much that I love it, you can hear it in the victory them and ESPECIALLY in the theme for Rocket Power level, trying to somewhat mimick the theme song. It made the level somewhat more tolerable.

Well that's it, it's a pretty cool game and I had my fun with it...probably the only Nicktoons GBA game worth playing and it's the only one that's not a counterpart to a console game, makes sense lol.

I just have one question....
Why did they give Danny Fenton a belt?!