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2 days

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January 19, 2024

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January 13, 2024

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Hoo boy....second game in my Hulk marathon and my god...okay tbh it's not a bad game at all..and in it's core it is a good game, there's a lot of good things in it and a lot of good ideas and playing as the Hulk feels fun for the most part....but there are two BIG things that really bring this game down....No matter what upgrade you get, you are RIDICULOUSLY weak to bullets and rockets and those are things you will be facing a lot in this game...So much for being the Hulk...and the other thing being is that the mission design sucks ass.

First of all...I understand that gameplay-wise things can only be so canon-compliant...especially if it's based on a comic book...but my god Hulk shouldn't be this weak and this isn't just a lore complaint, you can be thrown around and fucked over so easily that it's insane...and the game just throws soooo many shit at you, there's so much flying around that I'm surprised that this thing didn't melt consoles back in the day...I guess it's really optimized. Back to the enemies, you can easily get stunlocked by those Hulkbuster bastards too...Hulk 2003 had the exact same problem and it really sucks the developers haven't learned a thing from it...

Speaking of developers...Radical Entertainment's idea of mission design seems to be either fetch this, deliver that or destroy this...and it gets old reeeeal quick....Simpsons Hit and Run has the same problem and that's a game I find really overrated. I'm the goddamn Hulk, not a delivery boy....Yes, Hulk is a simple character...mostly...on surface...and Banner is definitely not...kinda, sorta...but that doesn't mean your game should be this braindead repetitive.

But I guess the game is good at making me feel like the Hulk because I got angry at this fucking thing a lot. I especially hate how the game is telling you things like to do a Tank Toss on something you need to throw to the sea when you can just toss it...or that entire chase segment with Abomination bleh...somethings definitely felt like padding here.

If Bruce was playing any of his games, either the ones worth a damn like this one or the shitty ones, none of those PCs or consoles would survive.

Atleast it's not insultingly bad like Marvel's Spider-Man....especially not in the story department. This game doesn't remind me why MJ and Peter broke up, yknow?

I'm also baffled by first Abomination battle suddenly becoming hard for me? I beat him easily months ago on my abandoned playthrough by simply bruteforcing it and I was playing on Normal. But NOW on Easy, he easily kicked my ass like 5 times! I know you're supposed to ram him into the walls but even that is hard on itself! I'm so confused on why this happened, same thing happened to a good friend of mine too! Did the AI became self-aware? Did the developers somehow swap his Easy and Normal values by accident? Did we simply got rusty on his part? I dunno...man...

I didn't even bother reading the Blonsky Files, they bore me I just let the voices play so that the stars go away and stop bothering me at the menu

Anyways, recently I booted this up again after beating '03 and gave up on the same mission..."Got Yourself a Convoy".
It really says that my friend ended up getting 55 comic book covers, which is used to unlock extras like art, movies and extras. Turned on the double damage and double HP pickup cheats, got up to where I was and tossed me the save file and THAT'S what it took to make the game fun. Well...more like bearable near the end but yeah. It was more like a stepping stone in his replay and I didn't ask him to do this but I really appreciate him doing so...thanks to that the playthrough is saved and completed lol.

But yknow what? Fuck all that negativity, how about we end this on a positive note? Let me talk about something I love, Devil Hulk! I LOVE Devil Hulk! He's so fucking cool, his design, his voice, how he haunts Bruce, his boss battle, the visuals of that...and the way of him being this bogeyman inside and treating Hulk like a sniveling child...man they really nailed him...the whole concept of being this demon inside who is here to corrupt you thing is done really well with him...I wish he appeared a bit longer but he was definitely built up and used far better than say....Mercy...atleast I felt something unlike Mercy. That part definitely got me interested more in Hulk mythos, I'm not saying I'm gonna read anything but who knows!

And oh man, talk about Abomination! I feel like I finally go to know this character for the first time and remember him as a memorable one too! My only exposure to him is The Incredible Hulk (2008) really and despite having seen that movie multiple times, he never really stood out to me...sure I remember him but he's not really memorable yknow? He's just the big baddie there to fight Hulk...but here! His motivations, his personality, his great voice (Ron Perlman!), the way he fights...I truly feel like I got to know this character after knowing about him for over a decade now. Thank you for doing him so well and making him so memorable, UD.
You have no idea how it feels to finally know and embrace something and see it's true hidden potential after seeing and knowing just a husk representation of it for over a decade, it feels conclusive. Definitely another peek at the larger Hulk comic mythos I feel I saw with this one.

Also I love that they put General Ross in a mech as a boss fight, that rocks! It reminds me of the boss fight with Tron Bonne in that giant mech in Mega Man Legends 1 lol

Maybe someday someone will make a tweak mod to bring this game to it's potential...speaking of tweaking I love the fact that the source code of Hulk 2003 leaked and people could be making all sorts of ports and mods with but nobody seems to care lmao