Nice game, below my expectations though, I expected the depth of Telltale Walking Dead storywise but the apocalypse here feels boom take care of it quick and easy. The ending choice just didn't resonate with me much, yeah ig it's a hard choice but meh, what am I supposed to when the story is just not doing it for me? Gameplay wise it's alright I guess, atleast it's better than Uncharted cuz it feels like it's slightly more than a popcorn game...but geeze did it have to make my PS3 sound like a jet engine though? Thanks Naughty Dog...definitely not gonna touch Last of Us 2, bleh and I couldn't care less about the franchise part of this game, yeesh. As for the "remake", they couldve just ported the Remaster and I'd be happy with that but nooo, I like how the PS3/PS4 version looks better tbh so that sucks...

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2023
