UGGGGHHHHH, I want to give this game a higher score, I really do but no cigar

1. The graphics are pure eye candy. The colorful environments, Well animated sprites, and the opening cutscene are wonders to the eye
2. The music is great with plenty of funky and jolly tunes you'll remember (ex: The map screen, Plink plank woods, Mr. Darks Dare)
3.The controls are tight and precise making the game a joy to control
4. The bosses (except one) are pretty fun and fair challenges

1. It makes sense that the game wasn't play tested much cause HOT DAMN is the difficulty pure hell. The game loves to just put you in constant do or die situations and sprinkles in some beginners traps. couple that with some bullshit enemy placement and questionable level design at points leaves you with an unbalanced, messily designed, frustrating game.
2. The lives and continues system is very egregious here. Normally I actually prefer lives in 2D platformers but here, considering how much you die and losing all your continues means getting kicked to the title screen and to your last save, it's infuriating. There's a reason why everyone recommends the 99 lives code
3. The entire endgame is locked behind 100% completion. In order to do the last level and see the credits, you have to save 246 electoons which considering how well some are hidden, is a massive task and a half.

The games 3 negatives are unfortunatly crippling enough to knock it to a 3.5 stars. It's still a great game but be prepared for it's difficulty

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2023
