39 reviews liked by Super_Chef

Very solid Lego game, just a shame they only did the first 2 movies.

This is the first From Software game i have ever played expect for an hour of demon souls at another persons house. I have played over 100 games and i can easily say that Elden Ring is the best game i have ever played, there is nothing quite like it. So far i currently have not finished it but have put 90 hours into the game and most of that time has been exploring small villages and dungeons. The game is truly open world meaning it doesnt spoon feed quests, locations and skills to you and is something you find out by listing to dialogue and NPCs describing a location or telling you weather you go north, west, east or south to find the next part of the quest. The difficulty is something that i have heard many say is bad thing but i would disagree. The difficulty is directly entwined with the story and lore of the game and the idea of the difficulty separating the people who are willing to get back up from a mistake no matter how many times it takes and learn from it to improve on themselves and their skills is a brilliant idea and can give you an important life skill if you choose to bring that concept into the real world. on ps4 at least there are some minor issue like the frame rate of the game dropping on some enemies but it doesn't happen often and doesn't ruin the game. overall brilliant game that From Software put their love and time into to create this Masterpiece.

The most enjoyment I've had doing literally nothing.

This game is a great way for modern audiences to be introduced and play the older Mario games in a way which mixes with modern titles like NSMB and 3D World, and whilst I love to play through the original Mario 3 and World, not everyone may be up to going through the NES/SNES catalogue. However my biggest takeaway from this game is that Nintendo should 100% make something similar to Sonic Mania, as the new sprite work in this game like the Mario World style Koopalings is awesome and seeing a whole game that would be this fluid in animations would be Godly compared to the monotonous yet simply fun NSMB series of games we've gotten the past 16 years. Overall, Mario Maker 2 is a good, fun game and it was a massive disappointment that Nintendo stopped adding thing to this game as the potential is literally limitless.


A very brief hack based on a creepypasta of the same name. Its impressive that they were able to recreate the effects described in the creepypasta. The fight with Luigi is also a tad interesting. Overall, i'd only recommend this to people that likes creepypasta content and read the story.

Review #24 - 2020

Download In Video Description:

You haven't truly experienced "Super Mario 64" until you've played this brilliant little rom hack. Been playing this game for ages and need to spice it up a bit? This hack will do the trick, and more! Much, much more. Give it a go if you're looking for a nice change of pace. Takes the game we know and love, and gives it a twist!

cock is one of my favorite tastes. not only that, but balls smell amazing. it makes me go a little crazy on it to be honest. like, i cannot get it far enough down my throat to be satisfied. i’m only satisfied when i feel those intense, powerful, salty, hot pumps of cum down my throat. when i sit back on my heels, look up at you with cum all over my mouth and slobber running down my neck, hair all fucked up and wipe my mouth with the back of my arm and ask you if i did a good job and you cannot even speak because i’ve drained all of your energy out the tip of your dick….. that’s when i’m satisfied.

1 list liked by Super_Chef

by dleo |

23 Games