I didn't like this game as much as the first one, but that doesn't mean I thought it was bad. I thought iX1 was a great game while this is just an okay game.

I think my biggest issue is the gameplay changes they made to Copen himself. I've heard the argument that the previous system made it too easy to zoom around levels, thereby making players not pay attention to the level design, but still, I don't like the change. The new weapon is also cool (and a sort-of throwback to MM Zero) but it just isn't as effective or as easy to use as Copen's original blaster. I loved the entire system of flying into enemies, locking-on, floating and then doing the same to the next enemy. But the way it's done now just feels clunky. Locking Copen's old play style to Overdrive is a reasonable compromise I guess, but I wish it was like that all the time.

Story is pretty meh. English voice acting ranges from good, competent, to not-so-great. I assume some of them had bad directing or something. Locking the true ending behind hard mode is FUCKING STUPID. I HATE IT SO MUCH. Especially when you make hard mode brutally difficult compared to the base game, which was a little too easy at points. Not exactly a great balance.

Level design is good. Much more variety than iX1. EX Weapons interacting with stages in unique ways is also nice. Probably the only thing I think this game does better than the first one.

So yeah, I don’t think the game is bad but I'm not a fan of the direction they went in here. Maybe if I replay the game I'll learn to appreciate it more, but for now, I like this less.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2022
