I didn't know what to expect going into this game. In the beginning the marketing was a shitshow, which immediately soured public opinion on the game. It was only months later when they showed better stuff that I gained interest and some actual hope it might be a good game.

So I played it, and it's overall what I expected. I tempered my expectations and it surprised me in some ways. There was some cool moments, some nice gameplay bits, but in the end, it's just decent I'd say.

Combat was cool and the moves were nice, but usually basic attacks will work along with the Cyloop.

Story was okay. I'm glad they brought Ian Flynn on board. The tone was much more serious compared to the previous games. He's got a good grasp on the characters.

So yes, I liked it. My opinion really changed around from the beginning lmao. I hope Sonic Team knows where to go from here if this is the future of the franchise.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2022


1 year ago

Sonic shrimping??
Sonic is a Korone fan actually