Not convinced it’s Better than the first one… yet

It’s nice and fresh to have a new big free title that’s almost fully playable.
I feel like people have been very harsh with this. Get some friends together and play this, its great fun.

I love almost killing someone to then get 3rd partied and killed. Losing my kill.

One of the best 360 games. Was my favourite game of all time before I found P5.

For a console port it’s great. I have around 450 hours on the PC version of this game. The only negative about the port is the storage system but on a PS5 you can build a decently large theme park with enough scenery for it to look nice.
Kinda wish the storage was an option as I’ll rather play with lower frames and have a massive park.

The first horror game I played so this has a special place in my heart :)

My childhood summed up in one game.
Without a doubt Xbox's best game ever

I had decently high expetxtations going into this. Good characters and the best COD IP.
So I installed, waited around an hour and started playing. I loaded in and was forced to download the campaign pack. That was fine as surely it’s not like the the previous games where you have to install packs to play the campaign. I was too optimistic. Pls explain to me why needs to install 2 separate packs to play the game. Why can’t it be one pack?💀
After all that I played the game. I thought the first mission which was like 2 minutes looked beautiful then I noticed a slight dip in quality. I played for 3 more hours and got bored. Can we have an innovative COD campaign that doesn’t involve some terroist who has bombs? It’s not hard to write a different story.

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As a DLC this is incredible. The story is the best since Forsaken and the world design is stunning. Savathun bound to return in the final battle in the final shape. At least I hope she does.

That opening mission on launch night in a party with friends is my favourite ever moment I’ve had in a game. Gunslinger is my favourite game track ever. That playing with Cayde-6 saying cheesy quotes whilst shooting up a prisonbreak was the most perfect Destiny 2 has ever felt. The whole year of content was perfect, with some of the best raids in the game. Shame it’s all gone in the vault.

Is this my favourite online game of all time? Yes, yes it is. When this game peaked for me I played nothing else, just this. I’d wake up during lockdown, attend a couple online lessons for school and then boot up the PS4 Pro to play this. I know the games in a bit of a rough spot at the moment but will always be an amazing memory to me.

It’s sad because you can see what the devs wanted with this game. But the final product is so half assed it’s hilarious at times.
The daycare bit is one of the most terrifying sections of a game for me. (It was a childhood fear).

This game😩
Apart from Planet Coaster this my most played PC game and rightly so.
I had so many good experiences on this game. Don’t really know why I stopped playing it.

I like the idea but the voice acting is so laughably bad the game is near unplayable.

I’ve never laughed so hard Experiencing The Rock vs John Cena.