The only game I never uninstall out of my Vita.

Lotus Juice literally killed me with "it's good to see you... we are back!" and "no mass destruction needed".

Just as awesome of a game as P4D.

Rhythm/Dance motifs really fits P4 like a glove. Dig the fact that the game is pretty much fully voiced. All the new designs are awesome, and cha- I mean- Yu is stylish as ever. The HUD is also pretty impressive, super clean and stylised- perfect mix between design and functionality, I guess that's a trademark by this point so... yeah. The adventure segments were super charming as well.

I'm a sucker for rhythm games in general so everything that doesn't use touch screen BS is almost guaranteed to be high regarded in my book. Gameplay is fun and does It's job of making me vibe hard listening to the remixes.

Yep, good game.

XIGNCODE3. Search it up before you buy it!

One of, if not, the best simulation/arcade hybrid I have ever played. Challenging and straight to the point, the good'ol git gud or gtfo. Please play it- even if you don't know JP- It's a really good game.

PC port is horrendous, don't buy it/support it.
The game itself is "fine" in the purest sense of the word. The animations are great, can say that, they always nail the hissatsus and overall presentation. In the other hand we have yet another SRW that doesn't even compare to OG entry's. The interactions stopped being fun a long ass time ago and I can't enjoy this basic bitch writing anymore, being a mecha fan for god knows how long. If this is your first game in the series I would recommend just giving up playing the rest of the main entry's and switching to OG's, I mean, if you are playing the games for mecha content to begin with.