2 reviews liked by Szyfox

So when someone asks me what my idea of a perfect game is, I always say something like The Witcher 3. Why? Because it has everything you want and shit you didn't even know you wanted in a game.

Beautiful open world that isn't boring to live in, heartfelt tearjerker absolute masterpiece of a story and script for the base game and the even better expansion packs, lovable characters that will seriously make you rethink how side characters in video games are handled, amazing easy to learn combat that will forever be satisfying which is paired with an engaging build system, an addicting card game activity that the game will forever encourage you to play more and to top it all off beautiful graphics that still hold up despite the game being released in 2015.

It's something about CDProjektRED games that always leave the player with a "What the fuck did I just experience" thought in their mind after finishing their games and this is the reason why The Witcher 3 will forever be one of my favorite games of all time.