Thank you ConeCvltist for the recommendation.

What can you do to make a game better? I've always thought adding to a game can only improve the experience. After playing Ico I've realised that sometimes less is more.

You start the game with no objective or a marker to follow, you're simply left to explore the castle and try to find a way out. Nothing is explained to you and it makes it so much more rewarding as you work out how to progress through the game. The castle feels so real as it doesn't play out like a linear level, instead it is one big interconnected world.

Ico takes a very minimalist approach with its game design but that is in no way a negative. Having no HUD makes you feel more immersed in the world and the lack of music at times helps enhance the atmosphere. All of these simple approaches make you forget that your playing a game and helps create a beautiful world to get lost in.

Ico flourishes with its simplicity and tells a powerful story that only a video game can tell. Now I've played Ico I can see how much of an impact it has had on the gaming industry, inspiring so many games since its release. This is a must play if you are a fan of video games.

Living in the UK means I own a PAL copy of the game so I am blessed with the beautiful cover art.

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2022


1 year ago

It really is surreal coming back to something as influential as ICO so long after its initial release and seeing its DNA in so many other titles. It's a truly special little game and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

1 year ago

It really is! Thanks again, if you have any other recommendations give me a shout!

1 year ago

I'm British too and boy did we win the cover art version on this one ha ha. I love Ico very much, it just hits in all the right places through atmosphere and clever animations.

1 year ago

Oh absolutely! The PAL cover art matches the atmosphere of the game so much more. It's a beautiful game, I wish I could experience it again for the first time.