I was excited to have the chance to try out this game thanks to the amazing work of the fans out there who were able to create an English translation which is so good that you'd swear it was done by an official company than fans. I have linked it below so you too can enjoy this game!

(Link removed because mods called it "piracy" according to them. Easy enough to look up and find for yourself.)

So, I heard about this game a while back. Essentially, this was one of Kojima's earlier ones before Metal Gear Solid and you can even see references to this game in his other ones in well-placed eastereggs.


As a large satellite was being set up a group of space officers, known as Policenauts, were working on maintaining order and construction, but one character gets knocked away and disappeared in space, only to return around 20 years later and revived from frozen. As time had gone by he had no job, no wife and now took on the job of being a investigator/negotiator who was often hired to try and get kidnappers to return children to their parents, however he admits he didn't have a 100% success rate and the Earth was becoming a real cesspit.

To his surprise as he was sat down in his office, enjoying a cigarette and being nostalgic he gets a visitor. His wife arrives and wants him to come up onto the station to look for her husband who has disappeared. He initially declines both from the awkwardness and that the officers on the station should handle it, but she claimed that many other missing people had happened and never been found, despite all of them being on a contained space vessel.

He had also left items that were meant to be a guide on what might've happened to him. A group of different tablets from different medications and a leaf cut in half. He mulls this over and says he'll think about it and watches her leave to get into her car, however, he spots a suspicious person nearby and before he can stop her, the car explodes! After a intense shootout he vows to head up to the station and solve this case!


The gameplay is a bit of a mixture of a VN and a point-and-click game where you can select items, have a inventory, combine items and do all kinds of actions to items or even people with some funny results at times.

There are quite a few shooting sections in the game where you shoot from a static position and have to reload, with a cool animation when your clip is out! The first of which is right near the beginning and all the others are quite fun too.

There are multiple puzzles involved too with all kinds of tense situations that often led to my death, I'm ashamed to admit but won't ruin the surprise for all of you.

The game is on two disks, which makes sense as there are a huge number of fully animated scenes that I'd often feel like I was watching a 90's anime than playing a game. So if you like your 90's anime, I'd also recommend it.

In all, it's a really fun and interesting mystery game with quite the twist at the end, even though certain people I had already suspected anyway. Lots of fun and well worth trying out for fans of Kojima's games or even thought who like these kinds of games.


Reviewed on Nov 17, 2023
