This game was a request from one of my friends and I had no idea what I was in for, beyond the obvious lewdity from the images, however, I found myself fully enjoying it! There are so many qualities that made streaming it not only easy, but very enjoyable! You can set the level of nudity in it for streaming purposes and download the totally free mod to remove the censorship of the nudity in case you every really wanted to see the characters naked, though to be honest, the text of their moments of taking you to bed are hot enough with your own imagination.

The story is delightfully absurd, taking in both Victorian England setting and then making it sex positive and inclusive so that you can be whoever you want to be, having the choice of pronouns be "Sir, Madam or Boss" and you get to create your character along with your Rival's before starting the game. Both with hilarious outfits including a nude one I chose for the one I decided to call "Dr. Bitch" which was hilarious.

The story is that you return from overseas after doing the typical things rich people did back then (with added lewdity and absurdity) and you are about to be knighted once more, however, it appears that all of your companies and assets had been stolen! Because of this, a shadowy figure appears offering to give you a loan and help you start up your empire once more, taking on business partners to get started in paying off your loan, building your empire and defeating your rival and their minions in violent take overs!

The many different executives are date-able (and you aren't tied to one per playthrough) and all have their own fun and quirky personalities with lewd art that can be unlocked and their own traits with strengths and weaknesses, given the situation. For example, Pip the cute tomboy loses less energy in combat than others when initiating a takeover and Antoine Hardmeat (yes, that's his name) uses less energy when working at the bank to generate funds and all the others have similar traits and benefits that end up being strategically important when things get difficult late game.

You have to conquer districts and work your way up to the final one where you face the boss and then have to beat them before finishing the chapter at moving on, but also making sure to keep up with the ever-increasing loan repayment that at one point, starts demanding gold bars meaning you now have another resource to deal with!

The game itself is a really fun one for completetionists as the achievements are tied into upgrades that you can unlock by playing the game normally, but also, has a rouge-like quality to it where even if you lose and have to restart, any and all upgrades you've unlocked are still unlocked and purchasable from the trader in game. As of writing this, I've unlocked MOST items, however, I still have more to go and I enjoy this game enough that I'm willing to play it again and again to unlock more as it's quite a chill game. These items can be really powerful as the more mundane ones add new placements to place more executives and others give passive bonuses to your company and executives, which is why they're important to track down and unlock.

Dating is comprised of minigames that keep up the same absurdist humour. Especially in regards to one of the first dates unlocked, Butler Battle, which is like a game of battle ships, but with your butler as the ship and having only one ship to do battle with.

Every character gallery has some shipping writing to read between the characters and you even get a small peek of this when friendships are unlocked where executives working together can build up levels where they get better at working on a job together, getting more resources when together on the same job.

This game was ultimately a hell of a lot of fun to play and I will be returning to it every so often as I'm trying to get the last few achievements and loving the dialog between the characters, the player and unlocking more items for later. If you don't believe me, please take a look at the video below where I often ended up in giggling fits over the absurdity and hilarious situations that happen!

My gameplay/stream:

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2023
