I know this title sounds sarcastic, but in all honesty, I found this game was actually a lot more enjoyable than I was imagining. Especially after dealing with the previous two games being Girl Zone and Sabrina: The Teenage Witch: A Twitch in Time! Both in one day!

So I was fully expecting another set of uninspiring levels where you do dress-ups, play with makeup or play something just terribly programmed, but the developers behind this game put way more effort in it than they should have!

You play as many of the most popular princesses in the Disney Film series (Snow White, Belle, Jasmin, Ariel, Cinderella and Aurora from Sleeping Beauty) and every set of stages is different depending on the character. Along with mechanics all of their own too. Not to mention fairly entertaining boss battles too.

Snow White's ability to sing allows her to counter evil magic and to stun or put enemies to sleep. The final battle ends up being like a counter-spelling session against her Evil Step-Mother, dressed as the old crone and dodging poisoned apples that she keeps hurling at you like it's going out of fashion.

Belle fights with snowballs on the way to the castle and has to do some quick-thinking and platforming to rescue all of the characters in the castle. The boss fight is dropping books on Gaston as he tries to chase after the many animated ornaments.

Jasmin takes up her scimitar and knocked out enemies (not killing, though since they're under Jaffar's Spells) as you make your way to rescue Aladdin (bit of a Gender-Bend there) and beat him over the head with her blade.

Ariel has the Trident and unlike the other games, you spend it all underwater and can swim around whilst shooting energy bolts at enemies (often copy/pasted Flotsam and Jetsam) whilst you travel around to free all the merfolk and your battle in a final fight with Ursula that comes off more like an arcade shooter.

Cinderella was what I imaged what the entire game would be, running around doing chores like cleaning and such, however, you do this because it's part of the story where she's trying to do every single task whilst she also tries to deal with Lucifer the cat who seems to have it out for her and making a mess. Ending in a dance off against the ugly step-sisters.

Aurora's one was an annoying story as she couldn't do much, but, had to retrieve wands and then use potions she finds to enter her family castle, rescue the parents and then use the magic once again to take out Maleficent.

I couldn't believe that I had such a good time with this game, but it just goes to show you that looks can be deceiving! Not to mention, Retroarch also had achievements for it that referenced the movies the characters were all from!


Reviewed on Feb 22, 2024
