1 review liked by TMGSean

I wish I possessed the ability to manage my time and anxiety better, because if I did I would play way more fighting games.

Back when I was in high school I was introduced to Super Street Fighter IV by a close friend of mine. My younger brother had an Xbox 360, so he ended up buying a copy and started getting really into "traditional fighters." Having previously only played Super Smash Bros. Melee and the occasional SoulCalibur II on the GameCube, or mashing my way through arcade fighters like Marvel vs Capcom, or Mortal Kombat, SSFIV became my first opportunity to "actually learn" how to play a fighting game in the comfort of my own home. I appreciated the time tremendously, as the most intimidating thing for me as a child playing a fighting game with other children was figuring out how to do command inputs. Nobody ever told me, and I didn't understand what the notation on the arcade cabinet meant. Street Fighter IV was my opportunity to actually figure it out.

I figured it out, and eventually figured out the fundamentals of fighting games other than Smash.

The same friend who introduced me to Street Fighter also then invited me over to play Marvel vs. Capcom 3 when it released. I wasn't a huge fan of it for a while, but then Ultimate MvC3 came out and for some reason I was all over that. I have incredibly fond memories of hanging out in my other friend's basement and the three of us going at it at UMvC3, slowly-but-surely learning stronger combos and strategies with our respective teams, only scratching the surface of the more competitive aspects of fighting games at that point.

The same friend who got me into Street Fighter asks if I watched EVO that year. I had no idea what that was.

Fast forward to now and I'm much more familiar with the FGC and fighting games. I don't play them nearly as much as I'd like to, given that I'm no longer in school, I live away from my brother, and my current friend group isn't nearly as into fighters as I am.

I buy way too many games as it is, and can't stop buying games on my wishlist as they go on sale.

"Oh woah, the new Melty Blood is on sale. I remember Melty Blood being that fighter that people joke about being played in the bathrooms at EVO. People love that game, I should try it out. The art style isn't really my thing though, and I don't get why the character designs are so bland, but I'll give it a chance."

And then I ended up buying Melty Blood: Type Lumina four more times on steam for some close friends for Christmas.

I love this game. Absolutely adore it. I have some small general mechanical problems with it, but I don't care because the positives outweigh the negatives for me. For the most part, I think it's fair to say that MBTL single-handedly reignited my excitement about fighting games as a whole. I've been keeping up with general fighting game news and hype for the past several years, but this is the game that I actually started playing consistently.

And it's not even the best Melty Blood game.