Made me ugly cry at the end at how immensely sad it is.

I like Detention and think that game tells a more nuanced story, but ugh Devotion ripped my heart out. Stories about family and faith told well hit such a raw nerve for me.

And if we're just talking atmosphere, this game is transportive in its 80s Taiwanese apartment setting and showbiz backdrop dripping with traditional gender expectations. It's not particularly innovative in the supernatural horror game genre with its mechanics (it takes a lot from PT and Detention), but they're effective in establishing a specific sense of place and time, which the game plays with masterfully.

The things you do in the game really hammer home how familial connections are forged by small but significant shows of affection tied to mundane objects we fill with sentiment and how religious fervor gets in the way of all that.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2022
